Sunday, October 18, 2009

♥My TeAcHeR=My HeRo♥

Every great accomplishments have its own simple beginnings. Plant becomes a tall tree because of the water, sunlight, and air as well; we get well because of medicines; baby grows well because of the parents' care; and students learn because of teachers teach them. Yes. Everything comes from anything which can help them succeed in the world. And that reason for whatever result that you might get should be remembered and we should also give importance to them. Ever since the world welcomes me, I had already experienced having the so-called "teacher" and that is my mother. She was the one who first thought me how to crawl, sit, talk, and what so ever. And because of that, that person will always be in my heart and she will never be erased in me. But now, I have my own true teacher. The one who teaches us student to become an educational and professional someday in the future. They say that "WITHOUT TEACHER, THERE WILL BE NO NURSES, DOCTORS, ENGINEERS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL WORKERS IN THE WORLD"...Absolutely its true. Without teachers, nobody is going to teach us about the lessons we are applying for the different courses we want to get. Its really hard to understand a new topic without a teacher. We can't get the right idea of that lesson without a teacher. Same with a big fire. That fire will not die without the help of a large amount of water. Think of it. That's why we need the so-called hero of our life. A hero who can help us be successful in the future. Every teacher is our hero. They help us understand everything. That's why we should always respect them and give importance for they are the reasons why a somebody is getting where he want to go and want to be someday. Inspire them to teach us well and you will see their real color in teaching us well and good..!